Friday, October 23, 2009

More of the nice stuffs (my 'obsessions') !!

There I go again.... "Stealing" pictures off Sop's blog and re-bloggin them here, with my own captions & comments... =) So THIS is definitely NOT plagarism okay! LOL...
Seriously, I REALLY love to sleep... At least I used to.. And I can practically sleep like anywhere, anytime etc... LOL.. No insomnia problem at all, unless I'm really really stressed out or upset or too excited about something... But now, I dun sleep alot cos I spend more of my time online or out having fun!! Well, life is too short to be spending too much of it sleeping, right?!?!?!? =p
And no wonder, i feel that my life is starting to 'fall apart' so easily... cos i'm awake too long a time each day... LOL

Next... A 'gloomy' one...
When I said 'gloomy', it's more becos the pic is on a grayscale.. It would have been really nice if it's a coloured one.. Imagine the beautiful colour of the golden sand, blue-ish-green-ish sea, the white-ish-blue-ish sky... I love everything about the beach, the sea and the sky!! So relaxing...

Anyways, the quotes in this pic is really cool... It's oh so true, cos that's life!!!

Finally, a CHEERFUL one to end off with....

Everbody's life should be as colourful as this muffin!! I'm trying to live mine as colourful and great and happy and fulfilling as it can be!! How about you??? =p

From the vibrant colourings and massive toppings, you can tell that this muffin's definitely taste SO SWEET... And so should our lives... What are YOU waiting for??? Go take a 'bite' of your "sweet muffin" and live a great life! =)


At 5:02 PM, October 23, 2009 , Blogger darkprince said...

i try to stay up as late as possible everyday, cause sleeping is a waste of time , but its super difficult to get up from the bed every morning because i want to sleep t.t .. dilemma

At 5:41 PM, October 23, 2009 , Blogger Tamster-TaMy said...

yesh! i totally know what you mean cos i actually have the same dilemma too!!! LOLx


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